POKRAS LAMPAS ® Calligrafuturism Artworks.
FINE ART Collection: Catalogue 1 – 7. ╳
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General idea behind this Collection of Artworks:
Reflecting on the human consciousness, Pokras Lampas are often drawn to the theme of dreams in the context of human memory and experience.
The text of this work can be read by everyone in their own way depending on quantity of the learned languages, knowledge, visual experience and a cultural context.
Modern cyrillic & latin calligraphy presented in self-developed #Сalligrafuturism style.

Title: VOID of DREAMERS. ╳1
150 x 150 cm. Original artwork on canvas.
Exploration of the multi-layered artworks, based on the optical and conceptual deepness of the flat canvas surface. Each round of calligraphy based on the parts of the artist`s memories and reflections about the culture, future, different generations and lettershapes.
Text: Cyrillic, Calligrafuturism style.
Acrylic paint, nitro paint, spray paint, silver paint on canvas. Mixed tech. 2019.

Title: TRANSITION: Neon RED –––– METAL ––––––– SKY –– SVOBODA. ╳2
200 x 200 cm. Original artwork on canvas.
Transition series are representing transition process of calligraphy evolution through the Past, Present and Future, Traditional and Modern, Visual and Abstract, Humanity and Technology paradigms as a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field.
Text: Cyrillic, Calligrafuturism style.
Acrylic paint, oil paint, nitro paint, spray paint, silver paint on canvas. Mixed tech. 2019.

120 x 200 cm. Original artwork on canvas.
Transition series are representing transition process of calligraphy evolution through the Past, Present and Future, Traditional and Modern, Visual and Abstract, Humanity and Technology paradigms as a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field.
Text: Cyrillic, Calligrafuturism style.
Acrylic paint, oil paint, nitro paint, spray paint, silver paint on canvas. Mixed tech. 2019.

120 x 200 cm. Original artwork on canvas.
Transition series are representing transition process of calligraphy evolution through the Past, Present and Future, Traditional and Modern, Visual and Abstract, Humanity and Technology paradigms as a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field.
Text: Cyrillic, Calligrafuturism style.
Acrylic paint, oil paint, nitro paint, spray paint, silver paint on canvas. Mixed tech. 2019.
General meaning of Calligrafuturism:
Main goal is to show the fusion of different cultures, merged by calligraphy art together in balance and harmony. Ancient, Traditional, modern and innovative letterforms, invented by Pokras Lampas and classified according to some common distinguishing features in his significant artworks.
The future is for global unity and harmony of cultures.
Infuenced by the Latin, Cyrillic, African, Arabic, Asian, American & ancient calligraphy styles, subcultural scripts and writing systems Pokras created self-developed style “Calligrafuturism”, based on the artistic vision of the multicultural calligraphy in future.
Important is not only the text, but also the way it is written in unique way of fused techniques of calligraphy in various multicultural styles and scripts.

Title: VOID of PASSION. ╳5
150 x 150 cm. Original artwork on canvas.
Exploration of the multi-layered artworks, based on the optical and conceptual deepness of the flat canvas surface. Each layer of calligraphy based on the parts of the artist`s memories and reflections about the culture, future, different generations and lettershapes.
Text: Cyrillic, Calligrafuturism style.
Acrylic paint, nitro paint, spray paint, silver paint on canvas. Mixed tech. 2019.

Title: GOLDEN MOON. ╳6
Ø 120 cm. Original artwork on canvas.
Exploration of the multi-layered artworks, based on the optical and conceptual deepness of the flat canvas surface. Each layer of calligraphy based on the parts of the artist`s memories and reflections about the culture, future, different generations and lettershapes.
Text: Cyrillic, Calligrafuturism style.
Acrylic paint, nitro paint, spray paint, golden paint on canvas. Mixed tech. 2020.
One day an Artificial Intelligence will be able to decode this artworks
and find hidden messages and innovative letterfroms.

100 x 100 cm. Original artwork on canvas.
Transition series are representing transition process of calligraphy evolution through the Past, Present and Future, Traditional and Modern, Visual and Abstract, Humanity and Technology paradigms as a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field.
Reflecting on the human consciousness, Pokras Lampas are often drawn to the theme of dreams in the context of human memory and experience.
The text of this work can be read by everyone in their own way depending on quantity of the learned languages, knowledge, visual experience and a cultural context.
Text: Cyrillic, Calligrafuturism style.
Custom concrete layer, acrylic paint, silver nitro enamel paint on canvas. Mixed tech. 2019.

THANKS for WATCHING . 卞 Н А Ɲ ₭ 5 Ғ Ø R Ɯ Å Ʈ Ç Ӈ Ī Ɲ Ǥ .
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If you are interested in publishing of my artworks & projects, send your requests on hello@pokraslampas.com
If you are interested in publishing of my artworks & projects, send your requests on hello@pokraslampas.com
Покрас Лампас \ Pokras Lampas ® , 2019 – 2020. All rights reserved. Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
The works published on this website are registered in the WIPO PROOF system and are protected in accordance with international and national copyright laws. The POKRAS LAMPAS ® designation is protected as a registered trademark. Any use of works and their parts is allowed only with the written consent of the copyright holder. The exclusive rights are protected by “ Bashuk Chichkanov, the Law Firm”.
Also, here is some social media networks: I N S T A G R A M . #pokraslampas #calligrafuturism #calligraphy