Cover for the group show in Avantgarden Gallery.
Milano, Italy. November 2016
Cover for the group show in Avantgarden Gallery.
Milano, Italy. November 2016

B Ē Ø R Ï G Ī N Å Ł .
Inspired by the Asian hieroglyphic calligraphy
Inspired by the Asian hieroglyphic calligraphy

Б Ÿ Д Ь H Ē T Ã K U M K Å K B Ç 3. \\\ N Ë V Ē R B Ê T H Ė S Ã M Ē .
Modern Cyrillic calligraphy in self-developed Calligrafuturism style

S T Ï G M Ã T Ā .
Modern gothic calligraphy

C Õ C T P Ã Д Å H И Ę //// Ē M P Ã T H Ÿ .
Artistic reflections about the mixing styles of calligraphy and merging
together Arabic and European styles.
Modern Cyrillic calligraphy in self-developed Calligrafuturism style

89 89 89 89 .
89 89 89 89
Modern gothic calligraphy.

B Ē Ø R Ï G Ī N Å Ł .
Inspired by the Asian hieroglyphic calligraphy
Inspired by the Asian hieroglyphic calligraphy

F ° R M Š .
Modern Latin calligraphy in self-developed Calligrafuturism style

Ø K Š Æ Ñ Ā .
Modern gothic calligraphy

N É V Ē R Ø R Ñ ° ₩
Modern gothic calligraphy

Don`t forget to support this project, if you want to see 10 more artworks. All your feedback is greatly appreciated.
If you are interested in publishing some of my artworks send requests your requests on pokraslampas@gmail.com
Also, here is my social media networks: I N S T A G R A M & F A C E B O O K .
If you are interested in publishing some of my artworks send requests your requests on pokraslampas@gmail.com
Also, here is my social media networks: I N S T A G R A M & F A C E B O O K .